Real Estate Home Buyer Lead Generation


We found a predictable cost per home buyer lead and configured ways to send lead details by text and email to real estate agents based on their brokerage-determined lead routing requirements.

Real estate professionals utilize digital advertising to try to grow their profiles and generate business. The problem is that the barrier to starting digital advertising is low, and true value is hard to track without an understanding of how to install META Pixel and configure conversion tracking, meaning a lot of advertising dollars are spent without any true understanding of the value resulting from the budget.

Our team worked with C21 Canada to build Canada’s first national MLS home listing data feed to the META Catalogue. Financial lender rate calculations are already applied to every listing, along with regional lender rate data and resulting mortgage payment details.

Notable achievements

  • Ingesting and merging national MLS feed with national mortgage lender rates

  • Running calculations to provide useful buyer details for every listing

  • Bath image processing that places branded buyer details on top of MLS listing images

  • Automated lead extraction from META that follows predefined routing rules via text and email


  • 3,727 buyer leads produced in first 18 months

  • National average cost per lead of $6.55

  • Regional cost per lead established

  • Brokerage purchasing the feed resell leads for a profit

  • Leads leveraged by brokerages as an agent acquisition & retention tool

unINK Creative

We believe in people, their potential, and growing together. 

We are a marketing & creative agency who help individuals and organizations to strategize, develop, build, execute, analyze and adjust marketing strategies for the digital world. unINK is based in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Dynamic Inventory Ads with predictable ROI